Sunday, April 26, 2009

Going solo

Ever had one of those days when there are just too many people around you? or when you have been dealing with so many people that you need some time away from anything that talks? It happens many times at work these days. Fear not, there is a cure to it. That's when i like to go to the cafeteria and have a cup of coffee or a meal by myself, without anyone to bother me and without feeling the burden of carrying on a conversation with anyone. I try to go early and grab a seat at my favorite place by the window that overlooks a green lawn and the hills of national park, but its usually taken by someone else who is almost always blabbering over the cellphone. Talking on the phone kinda defeats the purpose of spending some time alone. One irritant is the reaction that i get from friends who walk in later. The get this surprised look on their as they ask "alone?" They then come and sit besides me and i am forced to hold a conversation. Makes me wonder why do people find it so astonishing. I've kind of taken a liking towards doing thing alone, it all started with a trek to lohagad where the friend who was supposed to accompany me backed out at the last minute and since i was really looking forward to the trek, i went alone (with the rest of the group of unknown people offcourse). The recent nature trail that i had been to further made me believe that it's not all that bad. It's a different experience, you get to interact with strangers and meet new interesting people, some of them who share the same interest as you. It certainly beats trying to convince friends to come for some event they are the least bit interested in. More importantly, it lets you spend some time with your thoughts, something that i rarely get to do these days.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

I've been facing some trouble in blogger, so I have moved my travel blog to wordpress

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