Wednesday, October 15, 2008

More on telemarketers

The following is an exceprt from a real conversation which happens atleast once every week.
It is translated to english so that others can understand and to hide the fact that my hindi sucks and my hindi spellings suck even more.

Telemarketer: Hello sir,  Can i speak to angelo?
Me: yes, speaking.
Telemarketer: Sir you have been making your bike payments on time and you are a very loyal customer, So we are willing to offer you a personal loan of Rs 50,000.
Me: Not interested.
Telemarketer: But sir, you are a loyal customer and the intrest rate is also low sir. Why aren't you interested
Me: May be because.... I am not in need of a loan??
Telemarketer: Ok (Hungup)

I don't get these telemarketers. They need to change their stratergy. Perhaps  if they call someone who is having difficulty in paying their existing loans, their offer would be more appreciated. But if they still insist that i am as loyal a customer as they perceive and wish to reward me for that, I'd be glat to accept the Rs 50,000 for free. Are you reading this Mr Telemarketer?

An update on the post The goverment totally sucks

I got the extra 650 that was deducted from my account.
The bank had a bunch of  printed forms which state that "my account was debited twice".
I guess the problem is not that uncommon to them after all. It really makes you confident the next time you wanna pay by your SBI card, dosen't it?

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