Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The new year greeting dilemma

It's that time of the year again, the time when cellphone companies overcharge you for sending that 160 characters new years message to every friend, acquaintance and nemesis on your address book. But now since we are all working people the price is not the dilemma i am talking about, The dilemma is choosing the right message.

There are some unwritten rules that i like to follow when it comes to forwarding greetings, the most important one being - A person must not receive the same message from 2 or more friends belonging the same friend circle, it is acceptable only if the 2 friends sending the same message are from different friend circles. I know it might be a little difficult to accomplish but i have a plan of action. A technique which i like to call "message recycling"

The process is pretty simple, the first step is to identify the different "friend circles" that exists within your friends. This helps because if you receive a message from person A, you can quickly identify based on the friend circle which other friends person A must have send the message to, and you can avoid forwarding the same message to them. Instead, you have a fresh new message to forward to other friends who do not know person A. And if you get a message from person B, who is not in the same group as person A, you can forward that message to person A and his group. Sounds simple doesn't it? It will get even more simpler if everyone starts following the same process, we will have a lot more unique messages to choose from.

Anyway, i found myself in a similar situation today so it was time to scan the inbox for potential good new year greetings to send to people, unfortunately all of them were pretty lame so i had to improvise. I thought of sending just a "happy new year!" but it was too short of a message. A couple of minutes later heres what i came up with - "Happy new year! since everyone else is saying it". You know your new years greeting was a success when you get a reply saying "That is the funniest newyears greeting ever! not! stop being such a wise ass all the time"


  1. Awesome dude, nice one..

  2. I finally read up all your posts!(rocky OST playing in the background since its an achievement)
    one might pause to wonder why i chose this one of all your posts to comment on (did u pause? and wondered?)
    well, its elementary correia, this post has something related to me (use ur grey cells...(angelo wondering ..''ooohh i wonder what it cud be?')stop! i dont think ur sole neuron can take it anymore))i was the one who replied with 'Thats the funniest...' sms
    I dont wish , neither do i like to comment on anything that has nothing to do with bit of a blog snob
    So, here it goes...You update your blog regularly..a good thing..u r funny in ur posts..very good thing (although i know u must've spent hours wrecking ur brain to come up with something that, moi can come up in minutes..unbelievable?so be it!)
    Last but not the least...i didnt get bored for a minute reading all the posts..awesome thing since i've had my doubts if i suffer from ADHD(google it if u dont know what it means)..but ur blog was entertaining.
    There! Now ur blog has been blessed by a comment from me.
