I was spending my Saturday afternoon just like most other people - flipping through channels. Found a movie that was just starting on HBO, so i decided to watch it. The movie was about this boy who witnesses a murder and is being escorted on a plane by an FBI agent to testify against the murderer. As Hollywood would have it, the bad guys are after him. There’s just one problem. He is on a plane. How do you kill a person on a plane? you crash the plane. (Give yourself 10 points if you guessed that right). There are many ways to crash a plane, Hollywood’s favorite being planting a bomb on the plane. But not these guys, they sneak in a payload of poisonous snakes and set up some timer that releases the snakes on the plane. Result, people panicking, screaming, running around, being chased by snakes. These snakes crawl around the plane biting on the electrical wires, with sparks flying everywhere damaging the planes electricals. Any ordinary snake would die or at least be stunned by the shock, but not these snakes. They are movie snakes, they are immune to electric shock. This describes 70% of the movie already. The next question on the directors mind would have been "how do I make a movie like this more interesting?" the answer was simple - kill pilot #1 and let pilot #2 be the hero who saves the day. So they go on to kill pilot #1 and after careful thought, they decide a snake bite will do the trick. Pilot #2 is still alive to fly the plane. But wait, they thought to themselves, The audience needs more excitement in this movie, why not kill pilot #2 as well? sounds like a good idea, doesn’t it? So there goes pilot #2, foolishly into the under carriage which he knows is full of snakes now, and surprise! Snake bite! The job of being the hero is now transferred to our FBI agent. He uses this innovative weapon made of a stick and a broken glass bottle at the end and stabs all the snakes that get in his way. By now the passengers realize that the plane can't fly itself and our FBI hero tries his best but he can’t fly the plane either. Then there’s a miracle, pilot #2 was no ordinary pilot either. He was a movie pilot too and was not dead after all, it was just a swollen arm that kept him unconscious for a while. The concerned stewardess asks him if he can still fly the plane and he grins at the stewardess as he says "A man can do many things with just one hand". Now it looks like the situation is under control, the snakes are locked up at the other end of the plane, passengers safe on the opposite side, so they decide to check on pilot #2. FBI guy heads to the cockpit door, knocks, no answer. He breaks the lock and pilot #2 is dead, again! They took away his "movie pilot" powers. Now the job of being the hero is transferred to this one kid who had over 2000 hours of flying experience, that is on a ps2 flight simulator game. But things are not so simple. The cockpit is still filled with snakes. Our FBI guy thinks to him self, how do I get snakes off the plane that is in mid air? The answer is simple - shoot out a window. Bang! a hole in the window, All snakes get sucked out of it, they come flying from all over the plane. FBI guy saves the day. PS2 kid lands the plane which seemed similar to driving a car. When they land, anti venom is ready, everyone lives happily ever after.
The directors had to give this movie a really good title so that it sells. After a lot of brain storming, they come up with the perfect name. The name is so perfect it tells the entire story of the movie in its 4 words. The title was
(Creative indeed)
I hope my Saturday evening is spent doing something better
angelo give your self credit that the brai of yours after so much of thought into this movie dint get sucked away by zombies the same way the snakes got frm the plane... lol do something useful on a holiday.. go get a new movie DVD.... lol