I may have copied the title of this post from the popular TV show, so what? sue me. Its been 1 week since my last post, and the fact that i haven’t posted a thing this week should be enough to get the message across that its been a really dull week. It was filled with work, some more work, and even more work. I even did a 15 hour shift on Thursday, was sick on Friday, recovered on Saturday and Sunday was.. well.. typical to say the least. made plans canceled plans, made more plans, canceled them too.. you get the drift. If you are still reading this you must be more bored than i was this week.
Alright, lets get on with our lesson for this week. What’s the topic? you ask? I have used the word "week" 5 times already and that is exactly what i will be the teaching you'l today.
We will be studying the state of mind of an average middle class working person through out the days of the week. I will give you 2 minutes to go get your notepad and pencils out, take notes, this information is priceless
Monday: Mondays are always coupled with the word "blues" for a reason. Getting back to the office after a relaxing and fun filled weekend is the culprit here. It's a drastic and sudden change from a fun filled day to a day filled with new pending issues to take care of at work. No one except the die hard workaholic can handle that change without falling victim to "Monday blues". Symptoms are a strong feeling of de-motivation and repeatedly asking your self "what am i doing here? "
Tuesday: One might think on a Tuesday you are better off than Mondays. But on the contrary, Tuesdays are worse. Reason you ask? You had that little bit of weekend energy left in you that helped get you through the Monday. Unfortunately that’s not the case with Tuesdays. And to make matters worse, the next weekend is still too far away. Do not forget that you are still recovering from Monday blues. It is similar to recovering from any sickness. You can't do anything fun, you must not exert yourself, In short, you have to just wait it through and pretty soon you will be humming to the tune of 'Tuesdays gone' (Its a song by metallica incase you are musically challenged).
Wednesday: Wednesday is where things start getting better. You are almost half way through the week. You can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. It may be a mere dot but it’s a light none the less. The trick is to be focused on the light and not look anywhere else. Now is the time to start planning out your next weekend, It will help in making the time go by faster.
Thursday: The light at the end of the tunnel just got bigger, It is the perfect time to officially "look forward" to the weekend. Imagine a bunch of cheer leaders standing besides you, telling you one more day to go! Just one day! you can do it!. I don’t want to ruin the image I just painted in your mind so let’s leave it at that and move on to the next day
Friday: The day we all wait for. The feeling on a Friday is the same as running the last lap of a marathon. As the day draws to an end, you make the final sprint towards the finish line, the crowd cheers, the anxiety can reach levels where it’s difficult to get work done during the last few hours of your shift. You finally reach the proverbial "light at the end of the tunnel" and like an Olympic runner, you run past the finish line , fall flat on the ground , heave a sigh of relief marking the end of the week long torturous race.
THE WEEKEND: Its time to celebrate! The weekend is here again, enjoy all you can while it lasts. It wont be long until you realize the light at the end of the tunnel was another oncoming train. Before you know it, you are hit by the train and you wake up surrounded by people, in an enclosed box like room with a lot of commotion and chaos around you only to realize that.. Its Monday again and you are in your cubicle with your boss dumping a fresh new load of work on you.
That will be all from me for now, Till next time, have a great week ahead
ok..for the 'musically challenged' the song 'Tuesdays Gone' by Metallica is a cover version. the original was done by Lynard Skynard.
ReplyDeleteha ha Ultimate sense of humour.. So angelo, its wednesday today and we have a team meeting also. What say????