My net was down for the past 4 days so these posts are a few days overdue. Anyway, heres a small little list of things that annoy me, take carefull notes so that you dont fall in that category.
The first one would obviously be my ISP who even after repeated calling keep saying the net will work in 1 hour but it doesn't for days.
Off late i realized that people have forgotten how to cross roads. They are just plain ignorant (or stupid) towards the one rule that needs to keep in mind when it comes to crossing roads, and that is the famous "look both sides before crossing". Funny thing is most of the people look only one side - the opposite side from the oncoming traffic. The only way they will ever learn is if they get hit by a bus and survive to pass on the knowledge to their friends.
There is this new breed of jay walkers that just step onto the middle of the road out of nowhere and give the traffic the half raised palm signaling them to halt. I have half a mind to run them over, but then they did show "THE PALM". how can one ignore the palm? they expect meto slam on the brakes on the already wet and slippery road and if lucky, not get hit from behind while i do so. I try my best to scare them into looking both sides, usually by sneaking up to them and hornking lound enough to make them jump. Yes, i am on a mission to rid the world of thier kind, one jaywalker at a time.
Another thing that annoys me is the spitters. Usually rickshaw drivers. They are the types that spit at every signal, without looking if someone is there next to them. sometimes when they spit too close to my bike i usually pretend do an inspection of the bike, making sure they looki, and check if any of it fell on my bike. Unfortunately theres no way to deal with them. I usually try giving them the dirty stare to invoke whatever little humiliation they have within. It's a pity that our political parties are more busy making sure that shops put up certain language signboards instead of looking into the more obvious issues of cleanliness and infrastructure. I havent heard of anyone dying of hunger just because the neighbourhood grocery store didn't have a sign board in their local language.
I will be updating this list very often, so keep checking.
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